22/05/2024 WEDNESDAY 1751 3457 16,476 23 SILVER
  • div, span,
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #00416A, #E4E5E6)
  • width and height for percentage
  • combine Classes comma(no space) and selector with space
  • 23/05/2024 THURSDAY 3160 6582 17601 24 SILVER
    LEARNED z-index,
    position: absolute or relative;
    display: absolute or relative inline, block or inline-block img {clear: right or left}
    24/05/2024 FRIDAY 2508 9090 21009 25 SILVER
  • flex
  • flex-direction: row collumn
  • flex-direction: row-reverse collumn-reverse
  • flex direction axis orientation (didn't make too much sense)
  • 25/05/2024 SATURDAY 6482 19000 28471 26 SILVER
  • justify-content: flex-start
  • justify-content: flex-end
  • justify-content:center
  • justify-content: space-around
  • justify-content: space-between
  • alignment-items: start
  • alignment-items: center
  • alignment-items: end
  • align-items: stretch
  • 26/05/2024 SUNDAY 3400 3400 34073 26 SILVER
  • justify-content: flex-start
  • justify-content: flex-end
  • justify-content:center
  • justify-content: space-around
  • justify-content: space-between
  • alignment-items: start
  • alignment-items: center
  • alignment-items: end
  • align-items: stretch
  • grid-are: item-a;
    grid-template-areas: "item-a item-b item-c"
    grid-template-areas: "item-a item-a item-b" two columns in 1 line while b is in the right
  • "item-a item-b item-c"
  • "item-a item-b item-c"
  • grid-
    01. Learn Creating a CSS Grid
    02. Learn Creating Grid Columns
    03. Learn Creating Grid Rows

    04. Learn Defining Grid Columns and Rows
    05. Learn Grid Gaps
  • display: grid
  • class: grid-item

  • grip-column: span 3
  • grip-row: span 3

  • grid-template-columns: repeat (3, 1fr)
  • "item1 item2" "item3 item4 item5"
  • grid-template-row: repeat (3, 1fr)
  • 06. Learn Defining a Grid Item's Size

    07. Learn Creating Named Areas
    grid-area: class...
    grid-template-areas: class...
    Property that lays out grid areas on a grid
    Let's now learn a new method of placing grid items on a grid. We'll create named areas on the grid then assign grid items to those areas.
    If we want to create different areas for different rows, we add each row in between quotes.
  • "item1 item2" 'item3 item4"
  • We use . to create an empty grid area
    08. Learn Sections Using Named Areas
    grid-area: class
    09. Learn Aligning Grid Items
    Let's learn how to align grid items relative to their grid areas. Press the buttons below to align the grid items along the row axis.
    10. Learn Using CSS Grid and Flexbox
    01 Learn Understanding Flexbox
    Let's learn about flexbox, one of CSS's newer features, and how it helps us create responsive webpages like the one below.
    To apply flexbox to the items inside the container, we add display: flex; to the container.
    And that's the first step! If we add more text inside the flex items we can see them adapting to fit their container. Don't worry if a lot seems to be going on. We'll cover what changes happen because of display: flex; in the next chapter.
    What is a flex container?
    By default, flexbox tries to fit items inside a container on only one row.
    Use flexbox to display these list items on one row.
    02 Learn Using Flex Direction
    Flexbox lets us change the content layout without touching the HTML. Press the buttons to see it in action.
  • flex-direction: row or collumn
  • flex-direction: row-reverse or collumn-reverse
  • good for organisation or reviewing stuffs
  • 03 Learn Flexbox Axes
    Flexbox containers also have a cross axis, which is an imaginary line perpendicular to the main axis.
  • The flex-direction property denotes the main axis. So with flex-direction: row , the main axis will be horizontal and the cross axis vertical.
  • flexbox Axes: main axis and cross axis
  • 04 Practice Flexbox Basics
    05 Supercharge Flexbox Basics

    06 Learn Justifying Groups of Items
    justify-content: flex-start
    Flex start means all of the flex items are grouped together at the beginning of the container.
    justift-content: flex-end
    07 Learn Justifying Rows and Columns
  • Let's learn more about how we can justify flex items inside their container.
  • Try out the different buttons to see what else flexbox can do.
  • justify-content: space-around
    If we want to have items nicely spaced inside a container, we use the space-around value.
    justify-content: center
  • flex-direction: column
  • justify-content: flex-start
    justify-content: space-between
    To keep space between items and have the first and last items close to the sides of the container, we use the "space-between" value.
    To keep space between items and have the first and last items close to the sides of the container, we use space-between.
    justify-content: flex-end
    08 Learn Aligning Flex Items
    align-items: flex-start
    align-items: center
    align-items: flex-end end
    align-items: strech strech
    09 Practice Flexbox Containers 1
    10 Supercharge Flexbox Containers 1

    11 Learn Wrapping Flex Items
  • let's learn how to stop flex items from overflowing outside of their container.
  • Try out the wrap button to see how elements stay inside their container when it gets smaller.
  • The default value for flex-wrap is nowrap . That means if objects can't shrink anymore inside the container, they overflow outside of it.
  • flex-wrap: wrap
    flex-wrap: nowrap
    flex-wrap: wrap-reverse
    12 Learn Aligning Wrapped Rows
  • To control the space around wrapped rows of items, we use the align-content property. This affects rows across the cross axis.
  • align-content: flex-start
    align-content: center
    align-content: flex-end
    align-content: space-between
    align-content: space-around
    13 Practice Flexbox Containers 2
    14 Supercharge Flexbox Containers 2

    15 Learn Setting an Initial Item Size
  • flex-basis: auto (auto is the default)
  • mix
  • 30%
  • 50
  • values in pixels, percentages, or auto
    flex-basis: auto
    16 Learn Growing Flex Items
  • flex-grow: 0 or 1 or even bigger number
  • defaut: 0
  • how do we control the growing of a flex item across the main axis?
  • with the flex-grow property
  • 17 Learn Shrinking Flex Items
  • Flex-shrink: 1
  • Flex-srink default value is "1"
  • How do we make a flex item shrink more than another? By giving it a bigger flex-shrink value
    18 Learn Using the Flex Shorthand
  • Let's learn how to combine flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis into one property to create interesting results.
  • flex: 0 1 auto
  • 19 Practice Flexbox Items
    20 Supercharge Flexbox Items

    21 Coding challenge Recreate the code output without additional guidance

    Intro to CSS
    Codes Basics 1
    • margin
    • border-radius
      • is a property that rounds the corners of an element
    • background-color
    • img border-radius
      • property used to round corners.
      • top-left
      • top-right
      • bottom-right
      • bottom-left
    • padding
      • top
      • right
      • bottom
      • left
    • border
      • border: solid 10px
    Codes Basics 2
    • font-family
    • font-weight
    • font-style
    • font-size
    • "style" class change the colors as well
      • style=" color: green; background-color"

    • div
      • border
      • margin
      • padding
      • font-weight: bold
    4. CSS Intermediate 1
    • span
      • Attribute to style "id"
    5. Supercharge CSS Intermediate 1
    • div
    • class="title" and how it can override the div

    6. Learn Adding Color with Hex Values
    • We can add colors with a hexadecimal value, also known as a hex value. For example, black in hex is #000000.
    • linear-gradient
      • Linear gradient

      • Linear gradient

    • How many color combinations are there for hex values?
      • over 16 million
    7. Learn Setting Size with Percentages
    • Setting the size of elements using absolute values, like 200px, means they are the exact same size on any screen.
    • Setting the image size to 50% means it will be half of its parent element's width. That means the image is now 125px wide.
    8. Learn Combining Multiple Classes
    • Let's use three CSS classes: color, italic , and bold , to learn how to combine them in HTML.
    • doesn't need to use comma to fit inside the class for example class="color italic bold"
    9. Learn Grouping Selectors
    • Instead of writing a new rule for each element, we can use a comma to style < p > and < button > elements using the same rule.
    10. CSS Intermediate 2
    • Which is the correct way to assign two CSS classes to an element?
      • class="red blue"
    • Border-Bottom
    11. Supercharge CSS Intermediate 2
    • 4 test in 1 exercise
    • selectors doesn't have space after comma
      • for example: Make elements of class first, second , and fourth have their color set to coral.
      • .first,.second,.fourth
    • for ID we use "#" and the selector for example #email or #password

    12. Learn Displaying Elements
    • Normal flow is the way elements display on a webpage by default. For example, headings and paragraphs appear on their own line while links and buttons get grouped on the same line.
    • The display property decides whether or not an element appears on the same line.
      • inline
      • block
      • inline-block
    • Which elements have inline-block as their default display value? button and img
    13. Learn Floating Images
    • this img is going to be there in the conner
    • In that case, we set the element's "clear" property to the same value as the "img" element.
    • example h5 { clear:right;}
    • Which element needs to be first if we want to wrap text around an image?
    • image
    14. Learn Relative Positioning
    • display: absolute or relative
    • top: 10px
    • bottom: 10px

    • position: relative or absolute

    • Normal Flow
    • To make all buttons appear on separate lines, set display to block.
    • display: inline-block;
    • Which property is given to an element so it doesn't wrap around an image?
    • Modify the p rule so that it appears on one line and has a fixed size. display: inline
    • Style the element of class .long by setting its width to 100px and making it display on the same line with adjustable size. .long{ width: 100px; display: inline-block;}
    15. CSS Layout Fundamentals 1
    16. Supercharge CSS Layout Fundamentals 1

    17. Learn Absolute Position
    • To start placing an element at a particular spot on the screen, we set position to absolute.
    • To put the element on the right, we use right: 0px;. This means that the element is 0px away from the right side of the page.
    • position: absolute;
      right: 0px;
    • Setting the link to position: absolute removes it from the normal flow and causes it to overlap the image instead.
    18. Learn Z-index
    • Let's learn how to control overlapping elements.
    • We can control how images overlap with a property called z-index. Set z-indexto 0 , its default value.
    • To place an element behind another, we set z-index to lower number. In this case, code -1
    • img {position: absolute;
      z-index: 1 or -1
    • -1 (set the image behing the text)
    • 1 (infront of the img)
    19. CSS Layout Fundamentals 2
    20. Supercharge CSS Layout Fundamentals 2
    21. Coding challenge Recreate the code output without additional guidance